Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Today in the Big Apple

I'm relaxing. Writing a bit, maybe, but mostly relaxing. The house is back in order and I feel like Mickey and I are back to normal but I've got to admit I'm a little pooped. Visitors take their toll, even if everyone has a good time. Which we definitely did!

So I'm going to take it easy today. Maybe work on my needlepoint or catch up on emails. Something not strenuous. Tonight I'm calling in for pizza so there's no cooking!

What are you up to this beautiful, sunny Wednesday?


Anonymous said...

I didn't think anyone did needlepoint anymore. I loved doing that before i started reading to relax. Also, when you have a couple of cats who love to play in the yarns, well, it tends to get a bit hectic. Living here in Arizona, I miss the changing of the seasons with the fall leaves turning. Hope you get to enjoy that beauty. have a good day

Shelly said...

lol, the energy you expend when you have company takes a couple of days to catch up with. Sounds like you had a great time with your relatives. :)

acdaisy95 said...

Now that Wednesday has past here and now it's Thursday in Texas. Just working here. At this moment, I'm relaxing and taking a break. :)

Hope you a great day!