Monday, September 24, 2007

Today in the Big Apple

Last night the last of our houseguests left. :)

Not that we didn't love having them--we did. It' s just that it's really, really, really nice to have our home to ourselves again. Mickey and I both heaved a sigh of relief as we waved, then shut the door. It was almost funny, the way we put our backs against the door and slid down to the floor!

We had a super time visiting, but now it's time for us to get back to our real lives. Me, to begin writing again. And Mickey, he needs to get back to being Mickey, the guy who's always on the move.

So today in the Big Apple I'm going to get our place back in order. Vacuum, dust, clean bathrooms and change bed linens. Mickey will, I suspect, help for a while before he heads off to his office this afternoon. Tonight we'll probably order in because aside from the leftovers from this weekend, the fridge's pretty bare. But there's a bottle of wine in there, a couple of bottles of pale ale, so we'll survive. That and delivery pizza? A feast!!

What are you doing today? And, do you ever feel a huge relief when your houseguests hit the road? Please tell me I'm not alone! I'm feeling guilty--almost.


Anonymous said...

Yes I feel the same way, no matter how much I love my family, if the visit is over 5 days. I'm always glad when they go home