Saturday, September 29, 2007

Finding the rhythm

Recently a friend emailed me to tell me she was surprised by how much I've been blogging. Now that I've gotten into the habit of daily blogging, just "chatting" with all of you, I'm really enjoying myself. I hope you are, too. There were months where I just didn't have much to say. Actually I had some health issues that were tough, to say the least. I just didn't feel like talking--so I didn't. I imagine we've all felt that way from time to time. But now, I think I've finally found my blog rhythm. I realized that all I've got to do is talk about myself, what I like to do, what I think, about my writing. What could be easier, you think? Honestly, until I found my stride I had a hellacious time doing that. But now, it's fun. I love chatting with everyone.

I found my rock wall climbing rhythm this week, too. Remember, I finally went to the gym to fulfill one of my yearnings? I love rock wall climbing!! Love it!! The harness thing doesn't hurt a bit (I was afraid it would) and I didn't fall. I had so much fun, I'm going back this afternoon to climb the wall again.

Found my rhythm on two fronts. :)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you found it. I love reading these posts. Keep it up, Nina!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you found it. I love reading these posts. Keep it up, Nina!