Monday, October 15, 2007

Today in the Big Apple

There's a shoe sale I've got to go to. That's right, a shoe sale. God, I love shoes. I am almost a slave to shoes. Ask Mickey and he'll tell you they're one of my minor obsessions. Because a shoe doesn't mind if you gain a pound or two. It still looks gorgeous. And a shoe can change an outfit from ho-hum to hubba-hubba in a heartbeat. Reallly, what's not to like? What's not to love?

Me, I adore shoes, so today I'm getting up bright and early so I can be one of the first through the door and into the inner sanctum of--

Oops! I nearly gave it away, didn't I? Maybe tomorrow I'll let you know just where I'm shopping today but for now I'm going to keep that to myself. I don't want you to get there first, do I? Who knows? You might be the one to see the last pair of size six, perfect little black sandals in the store. And I wouldn't want to have to tackle you for them, would I? ;-)

Hope you have a fab day!


Anonymous said...

OMG, we could be sisters. I LOVE SHOES!!! My boyfried thinks I"m nuts but I don't care.