Thursday, October 4, 2007

Habla Espanol?

Do you speak any language other than English? Mickey and I spend our time between New York City and Key West, so I've picked up a good amount of Spanish. Granted, some of it is the kind of stuff best saved for private company ;-) but I can get by in the real world if I have to.

Yesterday afternoon I was on my way to pick up the dry cleaning, just walking along the sidewalk minding my own business, when I began to pick up bits from the conversation the two men walking ahead of me were having. They were talking about a woman who was walking ahead of them. Get the picture?

The men were speaking Spanish.

Their conversation, roughly translated:

"Ay! Look at that! Now that's what I call a nice ass."

"Yeah, round, just like I like 'em best."

"Wonder how much it'd cost to get a piece of that?"

"I dunno, man. Doesn't look like she's selling."

Apparently the woman with the "perfect" behind had a brain to go with her posterior. She, too, had guts and a grasp on the Spanish language.

Turning to face the two men, she put her hands on her hips and answered, "You're right. It's not for sale. And I can assure you, boys, that if it was--it'd be way out of your price range."

I nearly wet my pants. I laughed until I cried.

Why don't they ever think we can understand them? We may not always understand men, but most times we understand them. Understand?


Anonymous said...

she showed them!

Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

LOL. The only thing better would be to let them know what you thought of their butts!
