Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Rocks, Walls and learning to let go

I told you all last week that I've finally begun rock wall climbing. My first lesson was last week and I loved it--just LOVED the experience. I think I may have found a new passion. It's like being a human fly, scaling a wall with only your wits and whatever muscles you have keeping you from falling. Oh, and the harness that could probably hold a two-ton gorilla if it had to! That's another thing that keeps the adventurous climber in the air, LOL.

The hardest part of learning to climb rock walls in my local fitness club was learning to let go. That's right. Letting go. Just having faith that when I sit back and take my hands from the wall, I'm not going to fall. It's frightening, especially the first time you actually let go. I mean, instinct says to hold on at all costs. Let go? That's ridiculous...isn't it?

My instructor was patient and waited the full three or four minutes *that felt like an hour or two* while I psyched myself up to removing my fingertips from the wall. But when I was like Heaven. I hung suspended and didn't feel one iota of fear, not after the first two seconds anyway.

Letting go can be liberating.

Today I'm going rock climbing. What have you got planned? I hope that at some point, on some level, you get to let go.


Hot Ash Romance Novels said...

you're a braver woman than I, Nina!


Jenyfer Matthews said...

Why is letting go part of the class anyway? You'd think they would want to teach you to HOLD ON!!!

Anonymous said...

I tried this once. I was terrified and only made it halfway up the wall. And -lowering head- I wouldn't let go. I think my instructor who was my old boyfriend wanted to kill me. I am not as brave as you are!