Monday, February 19, 2007

The Undomestic Goddess

Since I posted my thoughts about Blame it on Cupid, several blog readers (and you know who you are!) have commented or dropped an email asking What are you reading now? And are you going to tell us what you think about it? Since I love books--reading them, talking about them, holding them, everything about books makes me happy!--I will share regularly a fast book review. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them. And, too, I hope you perhaps pick up and read some of the books I discuss.

I've just finished The Undomestic Goddess by Sophie Kinsella. It's no mystery why this woman is a New York Times bestselling author. She writes with flair and humor, drawing the reader into her stories on the first page.

The Undomestic Goddess is a modern-day Cinderella tale, complete with stress, confusion, Blackberry's, mobile phones and the occasional household appliance thrown in for good measure! Samantha, a lawyer who runs into a bit of trouble at the law firm, manages to inadvertantly secure a position as a housekeeper. The trouble, or at least one of the troubles, is that she doesn't know one end of a vacuum cleaner from another!

This is a thoroughly enjoyable read, filled with fun and romance but it's also a story of one woman's journey to a more peaceful existence. If you like to smile while you read, pick up The Undomestic Goddess. You won't be sorry. I wasn't. :)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today my Valentine Vixens Quickie Assignment is released! I'm so excited about this title. I loved writing it and I'm hoping that readers will enjoy reading it.

I know its snowing across the northeast so in a lot of places Valentine's plans will need to be postponed. So if you find yourself looking for something hot and romantic to read today, please choose Assignment. I think you'll be happy you did!

And Happy Valentine's Day!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Assignment releases tomorrow!

My Valentine Vixens Quickie, Assignment, releases tomorrow from Ellora's Cave. I am so excited about this--it's sort of a Valentine's Day gift to all of you readers out there who have made my time with EC interesting and fun. I love to hear from you, love to hear that you've enjoyed my books, so please keep sending mail my way. Although I try and answer every email personally I know I must miss a few so please know that I love getting them and I appreciate all your kind words.

I hope you enjoy Assignment!

Monday, February 12, 2007

New York living

I love living in New York. Mickey and I divide our time between Florida and the Big Apple and it's a situation that works well for us. We get the best of both worlds, a bit of the beach while still enjoying the attractions of Manhattan.

Recently we've been to see a few Broadway shows. Now, if you've never been on Broadway before, I completely recommend it as one of the things on you to-do-before-I-die list. (Do you have one of those? I do. Sometime I'll share some of it with you.) Broadway is like no other place on earth, the excitement and anticipation is so thick it surrounds you.

Anyhow, recently Mickey and I were lucky enough to see Spamalot. It's at the Shubert Theatre and has an all-star cast. The story of King Arthur and his knights, it's a telling of the quest for the Holy Grail. If you liked Monty Python's version, you're going to love this. I laughed until I cried, and then I laughed some more. It was, honestly, a wonderful evening.

So if you've never been to New York, perhaps you should plan a visit sometime in the future. And while you're here, why not take a stroll on Broadway? I guarantee you there'll be a show or two you'll want to see.

Recipe for Love Reviews

My first review for Recipe for Love came in and I am tickled! Reader Views said, in part,

Nina Nash is a talented writer. “Recipe for Love” is a great short read for Valentine’s Day. It’s romantic and passionate and written with lots of humor. This lighthearted book is sure to please and lift your spirits. The character of Nonna is wonderful. I want a Nonna like her. I want to be a Nonna like her. This book is sure to please. I highly recommend “Recipe for Love” to those that enjoy humorous erotic romance.

I am so thrilled, it always feels great to know that readers are enjoying what I've written! Thank you Reader Views, very much!

The entire review, along with many other interesting reviews, can be found here:

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Say-Yes Valentine's Brownies

If you're anything like I am, food can often make me feel romantic. Candlelights flickering, a fine meal, soft music in the background, then, before the actual fun begins...desert. Yes, I'm talking about the goodies before the goodies, if you get my drift. One of my fave goodies is chocolate, and since chocolate seems to be the food of choice for Valentine's Day, I'm going to share my recipe for Say-Yes Valentine's Brownies.

Ready? The recipe:

Say-Yes Valentine's Brownies

1 stick butter
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla
2 eggs
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup chopped almonds

Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add vanilla, eggs and cocoa, mixing well after each addition. Set aside.

In a separate bowl combine flour, salt and baking powder. Add to the creamed mixture and stir until well blended.

Add half of the chopped nuts and mix well. Spread batter in greased and floured 8-inch square baking pan. Top with remaining nuts. Bake in a pre-heated 350° oven for 25 minutes. Cool before cutting into squares.


Assignment Releases February 14th!

Assignment, a Valentine Vixens Quickie, is being released on Valentine's Day! It is a thrill for me to have my story come out on that day, that special day, meant for love and lovers everywhere.

I love this story. It was a blast to write and I'm hoping that everyone looking for a little Valentine's romance will read it and love it, too.

A blurb? Sure, I've got a blurb. Actually, I was hoping you'd ask!

When Aphrodite, reigning goddess of love, sends Diana on a mission to give a mortal woman the push she needs to be able to be open to romance—just a few days before Valentine’s Day—the “assignment” seems to be an easy one. Nudge the woman toward the handsome, interesting man and hope for the best, right? That’s exactly what Diana does and Kate and Trevor, the mortals, find happiness in time for the big day.

When Diana realizes that there is a second being from the realm of love among the mortals she assumes that Artemis is along to help with her assignment. Art, however, has an assignment of his own to attend to—one that is, to him, much more important than any other.

As I said, I loved writing this story. Assignment is a tale of love, not only among mortals, but among the gods, too.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Yearning're probably wondering what it is that I'm pining for. Home, I'm yearning for home. Mickey and I have been away for the past few weeks, first in Vermont where we shivered and shook and decided that it was way too cold for us to hang around there any longer. So we went home for a day-and-a-half before heading out to visit the dear man's relations. Don't get me wrong, I love his family but I miss being home. We've still got five days left to the visit but I'm counting each and every one of them. As I said, we love everyone and we're having a great time but really, there's no place like home. Our bed doesn't have nearly as many lumps in it, either. And at home I would be a half a block from a Starbucks...yeah, I know it's shallow but I'm yearning for a caramel macchiato--not a grande but a venti. It's been way too long to skimp on size. With coffee, as with many...ahem...other things in life, bigger is sometimes more desirable. Sometimes. :-)