Saturday, January 26, 2008

Friday Night at the Movies

Last night Mickey and I went to the movies. Typical Friday night behavior, isn't it? Yeah, we're predictable. But hey, we still hold hands, even after longer than I'd care to admit! Still honeymooners!

Anyhow, enough about our love life. ;-)

I love going to the movies. Always have, ever since I was little girl. My parents would dress me in my pajamas, pack me into the family station wagon and head to the drive-in on Friday nights. I loved it. Friday is still my favorite night for going to the movies. Mickey indulges me but I'm not allowed to wear my pjs anymore! At least not to the theater!

So last night we saw Juno. If you haven't seen it yet I definitely suggest trying to catch it. It does deal with the issue of unplanned teen pregnancy in a way that doesn't diminish the serious situation this young girl finds herself in but also doesn't over-the-top dramatize it. I mean, young girls get pregnant. It happens. This girl has a supportive environment and is concerned about the life of her unborn child. This coming-of-age tale is entertaining. I enjoyed it, and Mickey did too.

Or maybe Mickey was just in it for the popcorn. I can never tell with him. :)