Friday, November 23, 2007

Tinsel For Lunch Contest

I know, Tinsel For Lunch sounds crazy, doesn't it? But in our family it's a phrase that's as ordinary as "Good morning" or "Pass the salt, please." I was three, and it was Christmas Eve. Lunchtime. My mother asked what I'd like to eat. I think she was considering pb&j or grilled cheese. I answered, "Tinsel for lunch." Then I insisted it looked like spaghetti, and that nothing else would do. She served spaghetti with butter sauce which apparently looked similar enough to tinsel to satisfy me. Every year since, tinsel for lunch is something we have around the holidays. Of course, the spagetti has grown more sophisticated but the annual Tinsel Luncheon is one of our family traditions.

Please share one of your holiday traditions with me. As my way of saying "Thank you for sharing!" I'll enter you in the Tinsel For Lunch Contest. The winner will receive a large wicker gift basket filled with holiday goodies ... Godiva chocolate, Peppermint Stick bubble bath, a NY snowflake sweatshirt, a couple of holiday DVDs and a bunch of other stuff that will, I hope, make the winner's holiday season a bit more festive. So what have you got to lose? Share a memory, enter a contest and everyone's a winner because I believe remembering past holidays makes the present one even more special. A grand prize winner will receive my stuffed holiday basket!

And you don't even have to eat Tinsel For Lunch!

Email me at

I'm looking forward to hearing from you!

The drawing will be held on December 15th. I'd like the basket to arrive at the winner's house by Christmas Eve. And yes, there will be fixings in the basket to make Tinsel For Lunch, too. ;-)


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