Friday, November 16, 2007


First, let me apologize for not choosing a 100th Post Contest winner sooner. I have been in bed all week with the flu, feeling feverish and sneezy and definitely very un-contestish. But lo and behold this morning when I woke I felt human. Well, almost. So thanks, everyone, for their patience.

Just a few minutes ago I put everyone's name on a tiny slip of paper, put each slip into my (empty) coffee mug, put my hand over the top of the mug and shook it around a bit. Then I had Mickey pull a slip from the mug. Very scientific, no? :)

The winner of the 100th Post Contest is... Jenyfer Matthews! Congrats, Jenyfer!

Then, I had Mickey pull a second slip from the mug before I emptied it and filled the mug with coffee. Hey, a girl's gotta have her morning cup, right?

The second name Mickey pulled is... Erin! Congrats, Erin!

Yes, two winners! I figured since everyone waited for me to stop sneezing it was the least I could do. Thank you everyone for entering. Please check back often as I feel a holiday contest coming on! *hint, hint!*

Jenyfer and Erin, please email me at and let me know which of my titles you'd like to receive as your prize and I'll send it right out.

Have a great day, everyone!


Anonymous said...

thank you!! I emailed you just now!!

doin the happy dance. :-)

Jenyfer Matthews said...

Thank you, thank you!