Saturday, February 2, 2008

The best laid plans

Even though Mickey and I were jazzed about going to the movies last night, hoping the weather wouldn't shut us down we didn't go. Really. And not because of the weather, either. In the end we just got rain. No ice. No snow. Just rain.

But we got a great surprise. Friends of ours, Brian and Jenna, were in town from Florida because Jenna's friend from college just had a baby. A girl, by the way. Emily Rose--just gorgeous! The photos are beautiful--she's got big blue eyes and a round face, really sweet looking. Anyway, Brian and Jenna originally planned to go straight back home but we convinced them to stay the weekend.

We were up waaay too late last night. Ordered in Chinese which was amazing. The three bottles of wine we drank made for a very happy evening. Actually I'm surprised I don't have a headache this morning but I don't! Thank God!

Today, Tribeca. Lunch out. Maybe tonight a movie, but probably not. There's a new Thai restaurant Mickey and I have been thinking of checking out. What better way to do that than in the company of good friends? Yeah, Thai sounds good to me...


Anonymous said...

Love hearing about life in NY. Florida too. Makes me remember what it was like to live in NY when I was a kid.


Unknown said...

Nice to have fun plans interupted by even better ones!
Hope the Thai was good!