Saturday, April 28, 2007

Things Unknown

We all put on a public mask, a view of ourselves we allow the outside world to see. But we all know that those masks aren't always accurate...aren't always completely forthright portrayals of our true selves, now don't we? There's always something hidden, some things we keep to ourselves. Some things...unknown.

Most of those things are best left unknown, I think. :-) But some can be shared. So that's what I'm going to do. I am going to share a few things about me that you probably don't know. And if you'll do the same, tell me a couple of harmless "secrets" about yourself, I'll enter you in a drawing for a download of one of my books. Just follow the link to the right, go to my website and click on the "contact Nina" link. Send me a short email, telling me...oh, let's say three secrets about yourself, and I'll enter you in the drawing. Simple and fun, and I'm looking forward to hearing all the nitty gritty you share with me!

Okay, here are my three secrets:

1- I love peppers. Any kind, but the hotter the better. Mickey is amazed and perhaps a bit disgusted, too, when I gobble hot peppers like candy. Yes, my eyes do tear but hey, that's part of the charm of a nice, hot pepper.

2-I am terrified--absolutely out of my mind screeching-until-my-eyes-pop terrified--of eggs. HA! You didn't expect that, did you? You thought my fear would be of something reasonable, right? But it's true, eggs gross me out. I can't stand to touch them, see them, smell them. ICK!!!

3-And the last secret of the day is...sometimes when I'm home alone, I turn on old disco music, strip down to my socks and undies and an old sweatshirt and dance around the house. Yep, it's the truth. I can't help myself, that old stuff makes me smile. I do the Hustle, the Bump and all the other Stayin' Alive-type moves until I'm too tired to move. Good exercise, great fun.

Now it's your turn. I'm waiting to hear from you!! Spill your secrets...they can't be nearly as silly as mine! Or can they??


Jenyfer Matthews said...

Hey Nina - want to know some of my quirks? Visit my blog and find out more than you wanted to know about me, LOL.

By the way - you've been tagged!! Instructions on what to do about it are also on my blog. Want to play?
